Made for ON iPad! you wish…

BREAKING* Because of the time difference with San Jose, I just got this news so here it is:

Many rumours were buzzing in the InDesign community last two weeks. Adobe told us to “just wait a little longer”. Some folks dropped even more news by just saying that InDesign would get an update. Which is pretty locigal because the Digital Publishing suite is/was still in prerelease. Much to our suprises, we didn’t get an InDesign (desktop) update but a new version! In a surprise announcement, Adobe is today shipping InDesign CSios, a version of InDesign specially designed to be run on iOS systems, such as the Apple iPad and the iPhone.

Awesome new features include:

  • XML support dropped: Because virtually no one who actually understands XML would be caught dead with an Apple device, Adobe decided to just leave these features out.
  • Pinch, Zoom, and Slingshot: Many of InDesign’s document navigation tools have been reworked to take advantage of extremely popular UI in other iOS apps, such as the support of “Unlimited Shaking” to undo all your work. And a new Slingshot tool lets you fire various “Angry Frames” on to your page.
  • Export to iBooks: In a boon for publishers, you can now export EPUB directly to the iBooks app, including support for audio and video. Note that doing so transfers copyright ownership of 30% of the publication’s content to Apple. (“We expect most publishers will simply deliver EPUBs with 130% of content, so it works out the same in the end,” said an Adobe spokesmodel.)
  • Rotating view: Building on the Rotate Spread View feature (which first appeared in CS4), InDesign can now display everything — including its own UI — sideways based on how you are holding the tablet device.

And good news for all you other tablet users: Adobe also announced that InDesign for Android (dubbed InDroid) would be shipping within 30 days.

Source: InDesign Secrets

Still 6,5 hours (GMT +1) to go until release in AppStore, can’t wait to buy it!

Of course this was all an April’s Fools prank but don’t be surprised when Adobe ships the CS 5.5 update within 3 weeks from now.

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